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  3. How Many Ethnic Groups Live in Kazakhstan?
Astana, Kazakhstan • 09 May, 2023 | 12:23
1 min read

How Many Ethnic Groups Live in Kazakhstan?

The country’s total population is 19,808,430 people

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Credit: QazMonitor

On the eve of Unity Day on May 1, the Bureau of national statistics posted the data on the ethnic makeup of Kazakhstan, QazMonitor reports citing the Bureau’s press service.

As of April 30, 2023, the population of Kazakhstan is 19,808,430 people. People of the Kazakh ethnicity represent 70.6% of the total population, while the Russians comprise 15.1%, the Uzbeks 3.2%, the Ukrainians 1.9%, the Uyghurs 1.5%, the Germans 1.1%, the Tatars 1.1%, the Azerbaijanis 0.7%, the Koreans 0.6%, and other nationalities make up the rest.

The largest number of Kazakhs and Uzbeks live in the Turkistan region – 1.5 million and 378,000 people respectively. The majority of Russians live in Almaty, with 428,000 residents in the southern capital, while out of the country’s 297,000 Uyghurs, 120,000 live in the Almaty region. Kazakhstan’s Ukrainians mostly reside in the Kostanay region (86,000 people).

The Bureau notes that overall Kazakhstan’s population comprises 124 ethnic groups.

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