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  3. Kazakhstan and China to Strengthen Cooperation in Gas Sector
Astana, Kazakhstan • 27 April, 2023 | 17:23
1 min read

Kazakhstan and China to Strengthen Cooperation in Gas Sector

QazaqGaz reached agreements with the CNPC, TAPLINE, PetroChina International, and HBP

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The national gas company QazaqGaz reached agreements with several major Chinese companies on the development of the gas industry in Kazakhstan, QazMonitor reports.

Sanzhar Zharkeshov, the national company’s chair of the board, wrote in his Facebook post that QazaqGaz will see the implementation of several joint projects with the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), the Trans-Asia Gas Pipeline Company (TAPLINE), PetroChina International, and China Oil HBP Group.

The cooperation with CNPC will involve surveying national gas assets, constructing the second line of the Beineu-Bozoi-Shymkent gas pipeline, and building a second gas processing plant at Kashagan with a processing capacity of up to 4 billion cubic meters per year.

Zharkeshov also highlighted that the national company’s Science and Technology Center aims to establish technological partnerships with colleagues from the CNPC's Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development. The objective is to improve personnel competence in working with unconventional reservoirs, underground gas storage facilities, and gas transmission system upgrades.

Furthermore, the HBP Group will provide equipment for the gas refinery at Kashagan, while PetroChina International plans to cooperate on the production of coal bed methane.

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