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  3. Unique skull surgery was performed for the first time in Shymkent
Astana, Kazakhstan • 23 February, 2022 | 12:15
1 min read

Unique skull surgery was performed for the first time in Shymkent

The first craniotomy patient is a sixteen-year-old girl with brain tumor

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Qazaqstan Monitor: Unique skull surgery was performed for the first time in Shymkent

Shymkent neurosurgeons performed the first bone-plastic skull trepanation on a girl with a tumor.

According to the regional news site, Otyrar, the 16-year-old patient arrived at the clinic from Turkestan Oblast on February 15.

Two days later, doctors performed the most complex operation on the skull - removing the brain tumor with a new microsurgical machine.

The seven-hour operation was performed by neurosurgeons Samat Kokshibayev and Tansyk Abdullayev.

"The child underwent total removal of a volumetric mass - bone-plastic skull trepanation. This operation was performed for the first time due to the fact that expensive equipment was purchased - a microscope, microsurgical instruments, and neuromonitoring,"

said Samat Kokshibayev.

The complexity of the operation is that a large bone flap is literally cut out on the skull. After the necessary manipulations it is put in place. This is essentially jewelry work, after which, according to specialists, there are no complications or bone defects.

"Now the girl's condition is stable, with no neurological abnormalities or general brain symptoms. I hope that with the help of the new machine we will be able to help even more children. We will do everything possible to save their lives,"

noted the neurosurgeon.

Now the young patient is preparing to be discharged. In the future, she will be monitored by oncologists.

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