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  3. SPACE NOMAD: ESV Launches First On Ground Space Training Complex in Kazakhstan
Astana, Kazakhstan • 14 May, 2023 | 13:06
3 min read

SPACE NOMAD: ESV Launches First On Ground Space Training Complex in Kazakhstan

The unique space station module enables researchers to conduct long-term scientific projects

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Command module of the SPACE NOMAD complex (photo credit: QazMonitor)
Command module of the SPACE NOMAD complex (photo credit: QazMonitor)

On April 12, the Kazakh private space company Eurasian Space Ventures (ESV) handed over an experimental on-ground space module called SPACE NOMAD to Kazakstan Garysh Sapary (KGS) at the Cosmonautics Day celebration event.

From April 12 to 14, the first group of astronauts entered the complex and successfully conducted a series of tests of all onboard systems, having spent two days in the isolated environment that precisely matches the conditions at the space station. In the future, the complex will be utilized to conduct scientific experiments and psychological compatibility tests among space crew members.

Space suit of Aidyn Aimbetov displayed at KGS in Astana (photo credit: QazMonitor)
Space suit of Aidyn Aimbetov displayed at KGS in Astana (photo credit: QazMonitor)

The SPACE NOMAD complex represents one of the compartments of the space station where researchers will be able to conduct long-term experiments and spaceflight research in a stable environment, closely comparable to the isolation that astronauts experience in space. The module was first presented at the Digital Bridge 2022 international forum in Astana, where it received unanimous acclaim from visitors.

We are proud that the SPACE NOMAD space complex was developed by Kazakh scientists guided by Aidyn Aimbetov [Chairman of the Board of Kazakstan Garysh Sapary]. Today, we are handing over the module to the national company for scientific research and experiments, including psychological compatibility tests - this module has a significantly important and valuable purpose. SPACE NOMAD has no analogues in Eurasia, and we already see great interest in it from researchers and scientists.

Shukhrat Ibragimov, Founder of ESV, Board Member of Eurasian Bank
Shukhrat Ibragimov (left) and Aidyn Aimbetov (right) in one of the SPACE NOMAD modules
Shukhrat Ibragimov (left) and Aidyn Aimbetov (right) in one of the SPACE NOMAD modules

Tech Specs and Futuristic Design

Based on international experience, the ESV team developed the optimal layout of the experimental center. The interior design of the module compartments enables organic immersion in the space environment, looking both futuristic, multifunctional, and ergonomic.

The complex (24 x 3.5 x 2.1 meters in dimensions) is a system of four modules built for different purposes: an engineering module with a simulation of a command post, a service module, a living module, and a life support module.

The workstations allow for a truly immersive environment (photo credit: QazMonitor)
The workstations allow for a truly immersive environment (photo credit: QazMonitor)

The command post can accommodate up to 5 people simultaneously. The workstations are equipped with touchscreen controls and auxiliary screens to display onboard data.

The service module, in the form of an intercom, allows for collective work, communication with the station, and task management. The living module is equipped with everything necessary for human life and divided into three zones: a compact kitchen with a dining room, a bedroom in the form of bunk beds and cabinets for personal use, as well as a bathroom and a mini-restroom.

Numbered bunk beds in the living module of the SPACE NOMAD (photo credit: QazMonitor)
Numbered bunk beds in the living module of the SPACE NOMAD (photo credit: QazMonitor)

Each of the modules of the center can operate autonomously, as they are directly connected to the life support module, which hosts all communication systems.

Part of the life support module (photo credit: QazMonitor)
Part of the life support module (photo credit: QazMonitor)

The unconventional task of creating the experimental center required designing the modules from scratch based on the best world practices, starting with the construction of the module frames. Thermal insulation in the center exceeds the standard of the urban environment by three times.

To meet all human safety conditions, the modules are equipped with a supply and exhaust system, heating and air conditioning systems, climate control, as well as a fire alarm and emergency exit. Special audio and smart lighting systems enable the recreation of different stay scenarios. The center also boasts a smart automation system that features voice controls to send commands to all modules and allows for the development and adjustment of various scenarios.

Shukhrat Ibragimov
Shukhrat Ibragimov

Historically, Kazakhstan has become a space haven. And the task of ESV is to help attract private space projects to the country, to make [Kazakhstan] a space hub. We hope that the module will benefit the development of Kazakhstan's science and space industry.

Shukhrat Ibragimov, Founder of ESV, Board Member of Eurasian Bank

Eurasian Space Ventures (ESV) is the first Kazakh private space company, which is engaged in attracting the world's leading companies, space industry technologies to the country. ESV was founded by Shukhrat Ibragimov – entrepreneur, member of the Board of Managers of the international mining company ERG, member of the Board of Directors of Eurasian Bank and Eurasia IC.

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