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  3. Team Kazakhstan Wins Second Gold at Asian Wrestling Championships
Astana, Kazakhstan • 14 April, 2023 | 13:04
1 min read

Team Kazakhstan Wins Second Gold at Asian Wrestling Championships

Kazakhstan ranks 4th in the overall standings

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Elmira Syzdykova took gold at the 2023 Asian Wrestling Championships in Astana in the under 76kg category, QazMonitor reports citing Olympic.

The Kazakh wrestler faced heavy pressure from the Kyrgyz Republic's Aiperi Medet Kyzy, but the bout ended in favor of Kazakhstan. It is the first gold medal for the women's team and the second overall after Ibragim Magomadov's victory over Iranian Sajjad Imentalab in the Greco-Roman wrestling competitions among men under 72 kg.

In addition, Marina Sedneva (under 55 kg) and Yelena Shalygina (under 68 kg) brought the team a bronze medal each.

In the overall standings, the team Kazakhstan takes fourth place with eleven medals – two gold, two silver, and seven bronze. The tournament will conclude on April 14 with a men's freestyle contest.

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