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  3. EAEU Extends Limit for Duty-Free Imports Until October 1
Astana, Kazakhstan • 10 April, 2023 | 09:32
1 min read

EAEU Extends Limit for Duty-Free Imports Until October 1

This threshold applies to goods for personal use worth no more than €1,000

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The Eurasian Economic Commission has decided to extend the limit of duty-free imports of goods for personal use worth no more than €1,000 until October 1, 2023, QazMonitor reports citing the state revenue committee.

The decree stipulated that until the specified date, the duty-free threshold applies to shipments with the following characteristics:

– goods for personal use worth no more than €1,000 and weighing no more than 31 kg

– delivered by a carrier or sent by international mail

– imported by means of transport other than by air, or delivered on foot, and classified as an accompanied and (or) unaccompanied baggage

NOTE: customs duties for goods imported by air are still €10,000.

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