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  3. Kazakhstan to Introduce Digital Textbooks in Schools
Astana, Kazakhstan • 09 March, 2023 | 17:19
less than 1 min read

Kazakhstan to Introduce Digital Textbooks in Schools

Textbooks will include sign language translation and audio description

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The ministry of education plans to digitalize textbooks and introduce elements of gamification at schools in 2024, QazMonitor reports.

Education minister Gani Beisembayev said these efforts are aimed at increasing children's interest in school subjects. He added that currently 79% of digitized textbooks have passed state expertise and are included in the register of approved textbooks.

Overall, eleven publishers were involved in the development process.

In addition, there are plans to provide 100% inclusive access to digital textbooks by incorporating sign language translations and audio descriptions, as well as adapting the books to mobile devices.

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