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Astana, Kazakhstan • 06 March, 2023 | 16:09
1 min read

Kazakhstan and Ethiopia Voice Their Interest in Strengthening Ties

Ethiopia supports Kazakhstan’s initiative to create International Agency for Biological Security

Ministry of Foreign Affair of Kazakhstan
Ministry of Foreign Affair of Kazakhstan

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Kanat Tumysh met with Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia Demeke Mekonnen, QazMonitor reports.

The meeting took place on the margins of the Non-Aligned Movement Contact Group summit on COVID-19 in Baku, Azerbaijan.

One of the main topics of discussion was the summit agenda - response to the pandemic and cooperation in the post-coronavirus era.

Mekonnen mentioned that President Tokayev’s initiative to create the International Agency for Biological Security has great value, especially for the African region.

The sides also discussed the status and prospects for bilateral cooperation in the political, economic, cultural, and humanitarian spheres.

Tumysh said Kazakhstan places importance on strengthening comprehensive cooperation with Ethiopia, where the political center of the African Union is located, and stressed that the country considers Addis Ababa as one of its key partners on the African continent.

Kazakhstan established diplomatic relations with Africa’s second-largest economy on September 5, 2011. The Embassy of Kazakhstan in Ethiopia has been functioning since December 23, 2014.

At the end of the meeting, both parties agreed to continue cooperation on issues of mutual interest.

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