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  3. Construction of New Subway Station in Almaty to Begin in 2024
Astana, Kazakhstan • 14 February, 2023 | 10:09
1 min read

Construction of New Subway Station in Almaty to Begin in 2024

The station will be the first of four to be built to alleviate the city’s congestion problem

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Almaty authorities said they will start building a new subway station next year to help solve the city’s transportation issues, QazMonitor reports.

The city officials are in the process of buying out land plots in the designated site for the construction of a 2-km subway line. The first station to be built on that line will be the Kalkaman station.

A year and a half ago, the city revised its project for the construction of new stations in the western part of Almaty.

The subway line was being actively built in the Nauryzbai district when the officials decided to extend it past Ashimov Street to run along Alatau Avenue. Four stations were planned to be built along the line, including the Kalkaman station.

"To date, a dismantling chamber has been built from Momyshuly station to Kalkaman station for the installation and dismantling of tunneling complexes. About 300 meters of the tunnels have been passed,” Chief engineer Maksat Seitkulov said.

According to Seitkulov, the construction of the station will begin once land has been bought.

Currently, the Kalkaman project is undergoing a state examination which is expected to be completed already in March. The construction is scheduled to begin in 2024.

The inhabitants of the district, where the line will pass through, generally have a positive attitude about getting a new subway station.

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