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Astana, Kazakhstan • 01 February, 2023 | 14:27
1 min read

Astana Airport Introduces Contactless Border Control for Kazakh Citizens

The Q-Gate terminals reduce the time for border procedures to less than 15 seconds


Citizens of Kazakhstan arriving at Astana International Airport will be able to pass border control through special terminals in less than fifteen seconds, QazMonitor reports.

The Q-Gate terminals by Regate Technologies, a biometric terminal for contactless border control, have been installed at the departure and arrival zones of international flights in Astana’s airport.

The technology allows the airport to manage passenger flow in real-time by automating all clearance procedures.

To pass the procedure, citizens need to produce the passport of Kazakhstan to the document scanner. Additionally, if requested by the system, one needs to scan the barcode on the paper or electronic boarding pass and look into the facial recognition camera.

Before facial identification, one should remove all items covering the face.

The Q-Gate terminal can be used by all Kazakhstan citizens with the following exceptions:

– foreign citizens who do not have a passport of the Republic of Kazakhstan

– individuals under the age of eighteen (parents must accompany their children to the passport control booth)

– wheelchair users

An exception is passengers with small animals who are allowed passage if the animals are traveling in a special carrier.

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