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  3. Qatar to Fund Wildlife Reserve in Southern Kazakhstan
Astana, Kazakhstan • 30 January, 2023 | 11:30
less than 1 min read

Qatar to Fund Wildlife Reserve in Southern Kazakhstan

Zhambyl region aims to conserve the biodiversity of the Betpakdala desert zone

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The city council (akimat) of Zhambyl region will build a state nature reserve in the Bekpakdala desert zone with the help of Qatar, QazMonitor reports.

Earlier, the city council and Qatari delegation signed a memorandum to conserve the biological diversity and ecosystem in the region. About 1.4 million hectares of land in the Sarysu and Moyinkum districts were allocated for the Betpakdala reserve.

The sanctuary will be designated as a specially protected natural territory that will be regulated by the local government. 

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