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Astana, Kazakhstan • 26 January, 2023 | 10:43
1 min read

Kazakhstan-FAO Partnership Program to Receive Funding Soon

The program currently involves 46 projects at various stages of development Ryzhkov Ryzhkov

Kazakhstan plans to cooperate with the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) on two agriculture projects, QazMonitor reports citing Kazinform.

The announcement was made during the regional workshop on FAO-Turkiye Partnership Program in Baku, Azerbaijan.

The representative of the ministry of agriculture Iskander Mukhlisov outlined some of the project’s key features. According to him, the joint projects are aimed at reducing food losses and food waste in Central Asian countries, Azerbaijan and Turkiye, as well as improving small ruminant breeding strategies that will reduce the intensity of greenhouse gas emissions.

"The implementation of this project will have a multiplier effect. On the one hand, it’ll optimize the use of rangelands, develop the fodder base and ensure a livestock surplus. On the other hand, this will increase rural employment, secure stable tax revenues and create new family-type farms," said Mukhlisov.

Currently, the ministry implemented fourteen projects with the assistance of FAO while eleven more are underway and twenty-one are at the development stage. These projects are funded by FAO and its partners – Global Environment Facility, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the World Bank, the Green Climate Fund, etc. The overall worth of the investment pool is $35.9 million.

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