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  3. UNICEF Kazakhstan Launches Child Welfare Fundraiser
Astana, Kazakhstan • 26 January, 2023 | 10:44
2 min read

UNICEF Kazakhstan Launches Child Welfare Fundraiser

Dinara Saduakassova participated in the campaign to support vulnerable children

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The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) joined forces with the fund’s Goodwill Ambassador and four-time world chess champion Dinara Saduakassova to launch a child welfare fundraising campaign, QazMonitor reports citing UNICEF Kazakhstan.

The Family for Every Child campaign aims to draw attention to children in Kazakhstan who are deprived of family and parental care. Through fundraising, anyone in the country can make financial contributions to help vulnerable children – especially those who are separated from their parents and placed in residential care facilities.

Donations are made through the fund’s official service.

UNICEF’s representative in Kazakhstan Arthur van Diesen said that for over two decades, the organization has tirelessly worked to develop alternative childcare and address various issues faced by children deprived of parental care.

The goal is to find a family for every child. I sincerely hope that, with your financial support, every child in Kazakhstan can find a home.

Arthur van Diesen, representative of UNICEF in Kazakhstan

Saduakassova supported the cause by releasing a video in which she urged people to contribute to the charity.

The right of every child to grow up in a family is guaranteed by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, ratified by the government of Kazakhstan in 1994. However, up to 2,000 children a year are separated from their parents and placed in residential care facilities.

Over the years of working together, the national government, civil partners and UNICEF have achieved the following results for children and families in Kazakhstan:

– development of social services for families in difficult situations so that they receive the timely necessary assistance and support to prevent parental separation from children;

– the transformation of orphanages into support centers for children in difficult life situations and increasing the number of such centers to eighteen;

– provision of expert support to various child care institutions throughout the country.

As a member of the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI), UNICEF provides open and comprehensive public access to operational and program data through its Transparency Portal.

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