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  3. Kazakhstan Has the Cheapest Gasoline in Europe
Astana, Kazakhstan • 14 February, 2022 | 17:06
1 min read

Kazakhstan Has the Cheapest Gasoline in Europe

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Qazaqstan Monitor: Kazakhstan Has the Cheapest Gasoline in Europe

Kazakhstan was ranked #1 out of 32 countries in the ranking of gasoline prices in Europe, according to

A liter of octane 95 gasoline costs about $0.46 in Kazakhstan. The cheapest prices were found also in Russia (2nd place with $0.67 per liter) and Belarus (3rd place with $0.79 per liter). The most expensive gasoline is sold in the Netherlands ($2.19), Finland ($2.07), and Denmark ($2).

However, the picture is quite different when gasoline prices are compared to the average salaries. The residents of Luxembourg have the most affordable gasoline in Europe. They can buy about 2.3 thousand liters of gasoline on an average salary.

Norway, Austria, Britain, and Denmark are also in the top five countries with the most affordable gasoline prices for citizens. In Kazakhstan, citizens can buy 967.6 liters of gasoline on an average salary.

Overall, gasoline prices have increased in all 32 researched countries compared to 2021. The prices increased most significantly in Lithuania (+31.7%), Bulgaria (+31.5%), and Luxembourg (+30.6%). The slowest increase in prices was registered in Russia (+8.6%), Portugal (+14.8%), and Belarus (+16.7%). In Kazakhstan, the cost per liter of gasoline rose by +21.7% compared to 2021.

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