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  3. USAID Launches New Human Rights Activity For Women And Children
Astana, Kazakhstan • 08 December, 2021 | 18:05
2 min read

USAID Launches New Human Rights Activity For Women And Children

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Qazaqstan Monitor: USAID Launches New Human Rights Activity For Women And Children

In celebration of International Human Rights Day, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in partnership with the Public Association Kadyr Kasiet or “Dignity” in English, announced the launch of a new activity called Human Rights Focus: Women and Children at an event held at the Schoolchildren’s Palace.

The new USAID human rights activity will stimulate networking among civil society and government through the initiation of a knowledge-sharing platform on women and children’s rights. The activity will focus on increasing women’s participation in public affairs and protecting children from bullying. It will also establish dialogue and interaction between civil society and the government via educational activities and facilitated discussions.

“Respect for human rights is the foundation for the growth and prosperity of any state. We are pleased to see that civil society and key government agencies have come together to address key challenges, such as the advancement of women in public affairs and the protection of children from bullying.”

Judy Kuo, Chargé d’Affaires of the U.S. Embassy in Kazakhstan

During the event, one of the young participants, Aisha Zhusupalieva, a student of 5 A class of school № 21, shared her thoughts, saying that, she wanted to be sure that the rights of the child would be strictly observed since the right to dignity, safety, and protection are the most important rights of the child.

The Chairman of the Committee for the Protection of the Rights of the Child, Imangaliev Esengazy Nurtoleuovich, outlined in his speech the measures taken by the responsible body for the protection of children’s rights.

Director of Public Association “Dignity” Akhmetova Madina recalled the goals of human rights organizations such as respect for human dignity and the observance of human rights.  

“We are confident that a state can guarantee stability and prosperity through the equal rights of women and men, the participation of women in public affairs, and the safety and protection of children.”

Akhmetova Madina
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