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  3. Bidding for 5G Frequency Bands Started in Kazakhstan
Astana, Kazakhstan • 26 December, 2022 | 12:16
1 min read

Bidding for 5G Frequency Bands Started in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan’s GDP share in the CIS region’s 5G market is expected to be around 12%

QazMonitor Logo; Justin Sullivan/Getty Images; Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

The auction for the allocation of 5G frequency bands has begun in Kazakhstan, QazMonitor reports citing the ministry of digital development, innovations and aerospace industry.

According to the ministry representative Askhat Orazbek, 5G technology is one of the world’s most rapidly developing technologies and the country needs to proactively create an appropriate infrastructure.

The auction is intended to be a transparent mechanism of distribution that will give an impetus to the field’s competitive environment. The representative clarified that it will take several years to fully deploy a 5G network in the country and create the necessary ecosystems for the technology to sustain itself.

In addition to the appropriate state license, the auction terms state that a participating company must have a telecommunications and (or) cellular communications branch that covers at least six regions, the capital Astana, and the cities of nationwide importance.

The basic conditions also include a guarantee fee which requires the participating company to have an absence of liquidation or bankruptcy on their record.

According to the study by GSMA Intelligence, 5G deployment in the C-band frequencies (4GHz-8GHz wireless spectrum range) would increase global GDP by $610 billion in 2030.

It is expected that the produced impact will provide additional benefits to healthcare and education on top of improving public safety and reducing pollution.

The 5G’s projected GDP effect in the CIS countries is expected to be $14 billion, with Kazakhstan's share at around 12%.

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