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  3. Kazakhstan Joins Top 30 Percent in Global Food Security Rating
Astana, Kazakhstan • 20 December, 2022 | 11:40
2 min read

Kazakhstan Joins Top 30 Percent in Global Food Security Rating

The country ranks above Hungary, South Korea, Malaysia, and Turkiye

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In the latest Global Food Security Index, Kazakhstan has moved up the ranks after displaying incredible resilience amid the global rise in inflation and the current geopolitical crisis that has disrupted production and supply chains, QazMonitor reports.

Strengthening food security means increasing the production of foodstuffs and making them accessible and affordable to the general population. Food security is considered achieved if the self-sufficiency of certain products exceeds 75%.

The Global Food Security Index assesses financial accessibility, product quality, and safety, as well as sustainable development.

Kazakhstan rose to 32nd place out of 113 nations with 72.1 points, which is more than Hungary (71.4 points), South Korea (70.2 points), Malaysia (69.9 points), and Turkiye (65.3 points).

The country is almost fully self-sufficient in the provision of flour, cereals, milk, meat, salt, and sunflower oil among others. To a lesser extent, we cover our own needs for canned goods, sausage, fish, and sugar.

Analysts say Kazakhstan's government responded to the ongoing global challenges rather quickly, evident from the three-year food security plan that was adopted at the end of March of this year.

The Ministry of Agriculture was tasked with increasing the sown area of oilseed crops from 3 million to 3.5 million hectares and potatoes from 200,000 to 215,000 hectares by 2025. The forage crops are planned to be expanded from 3.6 million to 4.2 million hectares.

It is expected that these steps will contribute to the growth of the number of cattle to 9 million, sheep and goats to 20 million, and horses to 4 million.

Kazakhstan’s rise in the world ranking suggests that the measures to provide citizens with affordable and quality food are effective.

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization's classification, Kazakhstan is currently in the third group of food security nations, along with China, Australia, and countries in Europe and North America.

This inspires a certain optimism that the issue of food accessibility and affordability in the country will also improve as the programs from the food security plan continue to be implemented.

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