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Astana, Kazakhstan • 09 December, 2022 | 13:15
1 min read

Exhibition on Almaty and the Great Steppe Opens in Seoul

Kazakhstan and South Korea celebrate 30 years of diplomatic relations at the Seoul Museum of History

The opening ceremony of the exhibition "Almaty, the Pearl of the Great Steppe" was held at the Seoul Museum of History to celebrate 30 years of diplomatic relations between Kazakhstan and South Korea, QazMonitor reports citing Delovoy Kazakhstan.

Delovoy Kazakhstan

The exhibition was organized by the Association of Museums of Almaty city with the assistance of the Embassy of Kazakhstan in South Korea. The exhibition presents more than 130 ethnographic exhibits from the collection of the Museum of Almaty and the Museum of Folk Musical Instruments named after Ykhlas.

Delovoy Kazakhstan

Every installation tells the story of Kazakhstan through the eyes of the Turkic people, who led a nomadic lifestyle in the steppe, and objects that showcase the traditions, socio-economic life, and spiritual culture of Kazakhs.

"Almaty, the Pearl of the Great Steppe" will be open to visitors from December 6, 2022, to February 12, 2023, at the Seoul Museum of History located at 55 Saemunan-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul. The admission is free.

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