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Astana, Kazakhstan • 23 August, 2022 | 10:30
1 min read

Dimash in the Top 10 of Billboard's Hot Trending Songs chat

Qazaqstan Monitor: Dimash in the Top 10 of Billboard's Hot Trending Songs chat

Kazakh singer Dimash Kudaibergen took 4th place in the Billboard’s Hot Trending Songs chart last week. Currently, the song holds 6th place with more than 859 thousand mentions on Twitter.

Billboard’s Hot Trending Songs is a new chart of the American music magazine Billboard, which is considered one of the most authoritative sources of music industry news. The chart is compiled by the number of mentions of artists and their songs on Twitter. Billboard tracks global music trends and their discussion in real time, after which it publishes the results along with the results of other charts.

<span lang="EN-US" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 11.5pt; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; color: black; background-color: white;">For the first time, Dimash<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span></span><span lang="EN-US" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 11.5pt; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; color: black; background-color: white;">presented his song Fly Away on August 24 at the New Wave 2021 festival in Sochi</span>

The song for Dimash was written by Kazakh authors – song writer Yedilzhan Gabbasov, who has been in music industry for more than twenty years, and the singer’s backing vocalist Jordan Arakelyan, who again acted as a lyrics writer.

Yedilzhan Gabbasov shares that the melody and the main line were born quite quickly. Then a team of musicians worked on the track for 2-3 months.

“Inspiration came to me one quiet evening when a tune suddenly turned up in my head. I started humming it out loud and immediately thought of Dimash’s voice. And then, I realized that I would really like him to be the one to sing that song”

Yedilzhan Gabbasov
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