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  3. Volume of Kazakh Oil via CPC Expected to Reach 72.5M Tons
Astana, Kazakhstan • 02 December, 2022 | 15:19
1 min read

Volume of Kazakh Oil via CPC Expected to Reach 72.5M Tons

Shareholders consider a program to debottleneck the CPC pipeline system

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Kazakhstan wants to increase the volume of oil through the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) pipelines to 72.5 million tons, QazMonitor reports.

Shareholders are considering a program to debottleneck the CPC pipeline system, which would increase the throughput capacity of the Tengiz-Novorossiysk pipeline to 72.5 million tons per year in Kazakhstan and 83 million tons per year in Russia.

According to data, oil shipment at the CPC Marine Terminal reached 49.8 million tons on November 15 (51.8 million tons during the same period in 2021). From the beginning of 2022 to the middle of November, 448 tankers were handled at South Ozereevka.

Representatives of the shareholders from Russia, Kazakhstan, the USA, Italy, and Great Britain discussed details of ensuring stable operations, which includes the availability of spare parts and future deliveries of the necessary equipment.

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