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  3. International Chess Tournament with ₸4M Prize Pool Held in Almaty Region
Astana, Kazakhstan • 22 November, 2022 | 14:35

International Chess Tournament with ₸4M Prize Pool Held in Almaty Region

Konaev CUP-2022 attracted 300 participants, including 12 Grandmasters and 30 International Masters

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The international chess tournament Konaev CUP-2022 gathered grandmasters from 8 countries on November 18 in the city of Konaev, Almaty Region, QazMonitor reports citing Central Communication Service.

The one-day tournament attracted 300 participants from Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Kazakhstan, including 12 Grandmasters and 30 International Masters. The total prize pool of the competition was ₸4 million.

The tournament was held according to the Swiss system and consisted of 9 stages with the time control for each game of 10 minutes and 2 seconds.

The International Master and Woman Grandmaster in fast chess Dinara Saduakassova commented on the importance of carrying this kind of competitions for the country’s youth.

“It is worth noting that in chess the age doesn't matter. Children can play on par with adults who hold the Grandmaster title. I think that we will hold such competitions as often as possible in the future,” she said.

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