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  3. ‘Kazakhstan is ready to increase supply of rare earth metals to Europe,' says MFA
Astana, Kazakhstan • 21 November, 2022 | 10:14
1 min read

‘Kazakhstan is ready to increase supply of rare earth metals to Europe,' says MFA

The 18th EU-Central Asia ministerial meeting took place in Samarkand

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Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan’s Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Foreign Affairs Mukhtar Tleuberdi took part in the 18th EU-Central Asia ministerial meeting in Uzbekistan to discuss major issues in security, Afghanistan, economy, trade, environment, education, and science, QazMonitor reports citing the press service of the ministry of foreign affairs.

Josep Borrell, Vice-President of the European Commission and EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, led the EU delegation.

During the talks on cooperation, Tleuberdi proposed to the European side to initiate new inter-regional cooperation programs, including in the areas of science, technology, and innovation.

"Kazakhstan is ready to enhance all-round cooperation and improve communication with European partners," the foreign minister said.

He also announced that Kazakhstan is ready to increase the supply of rare-earth metals to Europe and offered cooperation in the primary processing of raw materials in Kazakhstan for the purpose of export of finished goods needed for the high technology sector of the economy.

The next Central Asia-EU Economic Forum is planned to be held in Astana in May 2023.

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