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  3. Kazakh Students Reached Finals of Programming World Championship
Astana, Kazakhstan • 15 November, 2022 | 17:18
1 min read

Kazakh Students Reached Finals of Programming World Championship

They had to overcome competition posed by teams from KAIST, the University of Toronto, Moscow State University and more

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Kazakh students from the International IT University (IITU) and Suleyman Demirel University (SDU) took 25th and 111th places respectively at the 45th annual International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) World Finals in Dhaka, Bangladesh, QazMonitor reports citing Forbes Kazakhstan.

The ICPC is an algorithmic programming contest for students. Teams of three work to solve real-world problems fostering collaboration, creativity and the ability to perform under pressure. The tournament is considered to be one of the competitions for FAANG contestants (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google) and the finals were attended by 132 teams from the world’s top universities.

During the competition, students from IITU overcome teams from Moscow State University, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, the University of Toronto and the University of Hong Kong. The team consisted of Batyr Sardarbekov, Abay Baimukanov, Parasat Kyzirkanov, the coach Kuanyshbay Aibar and the lead Eskendir Sultanov.

SDU team was represented by Temirlan Baybolov, Abu Said Manap, Almas Kenes and coach Yerbol Baygariev.

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