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  3. Kazakhstan and Turkey Agree on Cooperation in Seed Production
Astana, Kazakhstan • 15 November, 2022 | 17:03
1 min read

Kazakhstan and Turkey Agree on Cooperation in Seed Production

Turkish delegation delivered seeds of different apple varieties that were planted in Shymkent

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Kazakhstan and Turkiye’s agriculture ministries signed a memorandum on cooperation in the field of seed production, QazMonitor reports citing the press service of the Kazakh ministry of agriculture.

The parties agreed to conduct joint research and training of Kazakh specialists and farmers on modern technologies of agricultural production in Turkiye.

Ministry of Agriculture of Kazakhstan
Ministry of Agriculture of Kazakhstan

Turkish delegation with representatives of 41 Turkish companies arrived in Kazakhstan on a working visit to negotiate with Kazakh seed producers.

The delegation also visited the fruit company Alexandrov Garden in Shymkent to deliver seedlings for apple varieties, like Golden Delicious, Jeromine, Fuji, Gala, and Granny Smith. The seedlings were planted on 15 of the 200 hectares available in the company's territory.

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