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  3. Car Re-Export from Georgia to CIS Countries Increased by 215%
Astana, Kazakhstan • 02 November, 2022 | 10:52
1 min read

Car Re-Export from Georgia to CIS Countries Increased by 215%

Kazakhstan takes first place among car buyers

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Kazakhstan topped the list of buyers of re-exported cars from Georgia to the CIS countries, QazMonitor reports citing Khabar 24.

Re-exports of cars from Georgia to Central Asian countries increased by 215%. The car market in Rustavi is the largest complex in the Caucasus. Cars are imported here from the U.S., Europe, and Japan. From here they are taken to neighboring countries.

This year Kazakhstan came first among car buyers by countries. Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan are next. In 2022, Kazakh buyers bought three times more cars than the previous year.

Stella Kamandarova, director of marketing and advertising of the car market, says that the total re-export rate increased by 5 times compared to the previous year. Previously, more than 200 cars were re-exported to Central Asia; now the figure is about 1,500 cars a month. This year the number of cars in the Rustavi car market has grown by 33%. And all because of the increased demand.

According to Kuanysh Kalikov, a businessman from Kazakhstan, a large selection of 4 to 6 thousand cars and fast delivery are attractive to Kazakh buyers.

“Since the beginning of the year, Kazakhs have bought 270% more cars in Georgia than during the same period in 2021. And this is the highest figure in a decade. The financial proceeds from Georgian re-export of cars this year amounted to $590 million,” he said.

Georgia intends to further improve trade relations with Central Asian countries and develop the logistics industry.

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