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  3. GAKKU DAUYSY 2022: Kazakhstan’s Hottest Music Festival is Back and Better than Ever
Astana, Kazakhstan • 15 September, 2022 | 17:36
1 min read

GAKKU DAUYSY 2022: Kazakhstan’s Hottest Music Festival is Back and Better than Ever

3 reasons to go watch the best Kazakh music performances in Almaty this Saturday

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If you are in Almaty and free this weekend, then don’t miss out on the long-awaited return of the hottest music festival GAKKU DAUSY this Saturday, on September 17.

The event lineup will feature over 40 music artists performing their best singles at Astana Square.

Here are three reasons why you should go and watch GAKKU DAUYSY 2022:

1. Chart-topping lineup

As always, Gakku fest is jam-packed with performances by the trendiest Kazakh music artists. This year, the lineup will include Ninety One, Say Mo, Dequine, M'Dee, Yenlik, Aikyn, dudeontheguitar, and many others, with Jah Khalib as the headliner.

2. Great live sound and organization

This is Gakku’s seventh fest, which means fans can expect top-tier quality of organization and sound mix. We can expect the music to be heard loud and clear no matter how far you are from the stage. Сенің күткеніңді білеміз. Ninety One тобы да осы жылдың ең ауқымды музыкалық фестивалі Gakku Dauysy 2022 сахнасында өнер көрсететіндігін айтып сүйіншілейміз. #gakkutv #gakkudauysy2022 @ninetyone_official ♬ оригинальный звук -

3. An exciting way to celebrate Almaty Day

If you happen to be in the Southern Capital on Almaty Day, the concert is a perfect last-minute event to celebrate. Also - admit it - two years of stay-at-home concerts on YouTube has gotten pretty old, so take this chance to get out and enjoy yourself before the cold season.

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