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  3. Events to Attend in Almaty, Nur-Sultan, and Shymkent from Sep. 7-11
Astana, Kazakhstan • 15 September, 2022 | 09:37
7 min read

Events to Attend in Almaty, Nur-Sultan, and Shymkent from Sep. 7-11

Experience the cultural life of the three Kazakh cities to the fullest

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Elle Kazakhstan
Elle Kazakhstan

Have time to spare, but don’t know where to go this week? QazMonitor offers you a guide on all the goings in the cultural life of the ‘Big Three’ - Almaty, Nur-Sultan, and Shymkent. In this list, you’ll find out where to go to see the soundtrack performance of the popular Turkish show ‘Magnificent Age’ or attend an opera gala of legendary soprano singer Sumi Jo.


Zhas Sahna Theatre
Zhas Sahna Theatre

“Me, grandma, Ilico and Illarion”

Presented as a lyrical comedy, the play follows the life of a young orphan Zurico and his hardships. The hero braves through the adversities of the turbulent twentieth century, without losing his spark. Reminiscent of old Soviet Georgian movies, this theater piece flips through the memories of the past in a light and playful manner, evoking light nostalgia in the viewer.

The play will be staged on the grounds of Zhas Sahna Theater on 117 Abai Avenue on September 7, at 6:30 p.m. The price for tickets starts at ₸6,000. 

G. Musrepov Youth Theatre
G. Musrepov Youth Theatre

Madness of King Lear

The tragedy written by Willian Shakespeare still manages to captivate modern audiences with its plot. The classic play tells the story of King Lear, who, in his old age, slowly descends into madness while his two daughters divide his kingdom among themselves. Only his youngest daughter, Cordelia, refuses to betray her father, which leads to her banishment from the kingdom.

You can see the play at G. Musrepov State Academic Theatre for Children & Youth on Abylai Khan Avenue 38 on September 9, at 6:30 p.m. The price for tickets starts at ₸600 


Ethnotronica Festival

Dynamic and sometimes distorted sounds of the modern era will guide you toward accepting the unpredictability and, at the same time, the harmonious nature of the world. Expect groups from Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Hungary, and Russia to bring their unique traditional flavors to the mix.

You can see the event at Abai Square on Dostyk Avenue 148 on September 10, at 7:00 p.m. Entrance is free.  

Star TV
Star TV

Ne Prosto Orchestra

If you are a fan of the popular Turkish series Magnificent Century (‘Muhteşem Yüzyıl’), then the live performance of the show’s soundtrack by Ne Prosto Orchestra may suit your tastes.

The orchestra is already well known in Kazakhstan for its skillful pop music renditions. This time, they chose eclectic sounds that combine distorted guitar riffs with traditional Turkish instruments.

You can attend the event at Republic Palace on Dostyk Avenue 56 on September 11. The orchestra will perform twice - at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. The price of tickets starts at ₸7,500.


Immersive Audioplay in the Mountains

One of the most mesmerizing features of the southern metropolis is the Tian Shan mountain range that can be seen from almost any place in the city. If you wish to experience entry-level mountaineering, then Tvoya Vershyna (Your Peak) immersive audioplay may be the thing for you.

Listening to soothing stories from a pair of headphones, this meditative experience will see you contemplating the mountain view and enjoying nature’s beauty.

The event takes place every Sunday and will go on until the end of the month. The closest date you can attend the audioplay is on September 11 at 10:30 a.m. at Medeu sports complex on Gornaya Street 465 near the fountain. The entry fee is ₸7,900.


Instagram/Platforma Projectroom
Instagram/Platforma Projectroom

Dimensions of Time Exhibition

Dimensions of Time by the Swiss pair Saskia Edens and Peter Aehrschmann is the result of the artist's reflection on the temporality of being and the perpetuity of cycles. The Swiss duo uses forms of digital art, video art, and media installations in their works.

The exhibition is open until September 30 at Platforma Projectroom modern art gallery on Dostyq street 18 in the Moscow Business Center on the third floor. The price for tickets starts at ₸1,800.

Instagram/Yelena Ralina
Instagram/Yelena Ralina

Yelena Ralina's Personal Exhibition

Famous Kazakh painter Yelena Ralina once said that color is the main attraction in her works. The artist’s paintings feature a multilayered hue that creates a sense of depth akin to a 3D effect, with each piece telling a different story from a different angle. Standing up close or observing from a distance will only benefit you with a quarter of the hidden meaning.

The exhibition will take place at Kenesary Street 39 and can be attended till September 18. The entrance is free. 

Sumi Jo 'Youth'
Sumi Jo 'Youth'

Sumi Jo's Gala Opera

Sumi Jo is one of the best-selling classical singers in the world. Few of her recordings received Grammy nominations: "The Woman without a Shadow" (Die Frau ohne Schatten) by Richard Strauss, “A Masked Ball” (Un ballo in maschera) by Giuseppe Verdi, and her own album “Mother”. Jo’s voice is known for its light and expressive undertones, which lets her masterfully perform the leading roles in the opera pieces.

The gala opera will be held on September 9 at 7:00 p.m. at Astana Opera on Dinmukhamed Qonayev Street 1. Tickets are limited, with the price starting at ₸2,500.

Dair Ard
Dair Ard

Dair Ard Concert

‘Music of Northern Europe from the heart of Central Asia’ is the band’s slogan. Being a group from Kazakhstan, the musicians of Diar Ard play authentic folk tunes in their native tongue and immerse their audience in Irish, Scottish, and Breton cultures.

The concert will take place at The Rocks Bar at Saryarka avenue 17 on September 9 at 8:00 p.m. The prices for tickets start at ₸5,000.

National Museum
National Museum

Art Expo Exhibition

The National Museum will host the opening of the ART EXPO international exhibition as a part of the Year of Folk Art and Cultural Heritage. Created as a joint effort by the CIS, the exhibition promotes humanistic values and respect for different cultures, traditions, and languages.

Artists from Russia, Uzbekistan, Belarus, Tajikistan, and Kazakhstan will take part in the event, presenting paintings, sculptures, decorative and applied art, photography, installation, etc. Visitors will be able to attend master classes in knitting, pottery, and jewelry.

The event will take place at National Museum on Tauelsizdik Avenue 54 on September 8-9.

Instagram/Darkhan Juzz
Instagram/Darkhan Juzz

We are the One Сoncert

The weekly program in the capital city will close with a concert by numerous vocal talents, such as Ninety One, Darkhan Juzz, ORYNKHAN, Marhaba Sabi, MAKVIN, Drumattack, Qonyratbay, DJ Puza, and Tamiris.

The playlist promises to bring a diverse mix of sounds from pop and Bond-style smooth jazz to club beats that will get you up on your feet dancing.

The show will start at 5:00 p.m. on September 10 in the Barys Arena on Turan Street 57. The prices of tickets start at ₸500.


Instagram/Robot Festival
Instagram/Robot Festival

Robot Festival

The famous Robot Festival will come to Shymkent, featuring all the marvels that current-day entertainment robotics can offer.

Witness a robot dog doing backflips, the new Promobot model, designed to work as a teacher, and the world’s first robot circus performing live.

The event will be held until September 11 at Korme Exhibition Center. The price of tickets starts at ₸3,900.

Instagram/Si Tour
Instagram/Si Tour

Trip to Jilak Ata Сave

City residents who like hiking should consider booking a trip to Jilak Ata (‘Weeping Man’) cave, at Sayram-Ugam National Park.

On your way to the cave, you will see The Ravine of Weeping Walls and the golden cave of Sulu Ungur, also known as the Silver Spring. Besides the major sights, you’ll be able to appreciate the beauty of the Sairamsu region. The total length of the hike is about 12 km.

You can join the hike on September 11. Gathering and departure will take place from 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. on Konayev Avenue 59 near the Astana business center. The price for a ticket is ₸6,000. 


Trip to Wild Alpinists Ravine

Another hike to test your endurance is the Wild Alpinists Ravine. Just like the last one, this hiking event will take you to Sayram-Ugam National Park. The ravine itself is 2,410 meters in height. This route can be challenging even for experienced mountaineers.

You can join the hike on September 11. Gathering and departure will take place from 6:30 a.m. to 7 a.m. on Qabanbay Batyr Avenue 10. The price for a ticket is ₸6,000.

Instagram/ Shymkent Marathon
Instagram/ Shymkent Marathon

Shymkent Marathon

Shymkent Marathon is an annual sports event that attracts athletes from all around the country. The participants of various ages and demographic groups compete in the 42 km race for the prize pool of ₸1,000,000.

The marathon offers a half-distance race for casual hobbyists, as well as a 10 km race for regular runners and 5 km for beginners.

All the races will start at one location at Al-Farabi square and will continue on to Konayev Street. Each race starts at different times in the morning. The 42 km race at 7:30 a.m., 21 km race at 8:00 a.m., 10 km race at 9:00 a.m., beginners’ 5 km race at 9:05 a.m., and the Scandinavian 5 km walk at 9:10 a.m. The admission fee is ₸10,500.

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