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  3. Teen From Kazakhstan Performs Abai's Song at NASA
Astana, Kazakhstan • 23 August, 2022 | 10:36
1 min read

Teen From Kazakhstan Performs Abai's Song at NASA

Pavlodar student undergoes a two-week training program in Houston

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Facebook: United Space School
Facebook: United Space School

Yaroslava Kravchuk, a 15-year-old student from Pavlodar, performed Abai's "Kozimnin karasy" at an international fair at NASA's United Space School, Qazmonitor reports citing Tengrinews.

Besides the musical number, Yaroslava prepared traditional Kazakh dishes, like beshbarmak and baursak, and treated everyone with the quintessential "Kazakhstan" chocolate.

The cultural showcase was one of several bonding activities for prodigious students who came from all over the world to be part of the coveted aerospace mentorship program, the Foundation of International Space Education (FISE), in Houston, Texas. 

Earlier in April, Yaroslava was invited by NASA to attend their summer internship program after the eighth-grader impressed the panel with her model spacecraft named "Kanysh", which produces hydrogen fuel from soil from comets and asteroids. 

As part of the two-week training program, the budding scientists and engineers were broken up into color-coded teams in order to develop a hypothetical space flight to Mars. The teams had to cover different facets of their trip to Mars, including mission control, exploration, habitation, transiting to the Red Planet and designing a lander.

Yaroslava's mother, Irina Kravchuk, said that her daughter is very happy about her trip. Yaroslava is staying with a homestay family, who is associated with the aerospace industry. The host "mother" helped Yaroslava with the food for the international fair.

The student expressed her happiness, saying that "coming here I realized that space is not so far away".

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