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  3. Nurlan Saburov Might Reschedule His US Concerts
Astana, Kazakhstan • 23 August, 2022 | 11:03
1 min read

Nurlan Saburov Might Reschedule His US Concerts

Kazakh comedian faces backlash for silence on the Russia-Ukraine conflict

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According to YELIKBAYEV Telegram channel, Nurlan Saburov, a popular comedian in Kazakhstan and the Russian-speaking world, plans to reschedule his US tour. Earlier, the channel had reported that the tour will be canceled, but their latest update on the issue suggests that rescheduling is under discussion.

The comedian, who is notable for his deadpan humor, faced a torrent of negative comments from the audience during his recent concerts regarding his position on the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The incidents happened at his performances in Los Angeles and Seattle. Some commentators and fans deemed his responses to questions on his view to be too vague, while others showed support for the comedian. On his Instagram page, Saburov disabled comments under his latest post, where fierce discussion also took place. 

The upcoming dates include concerts in Miami, New-York, and Chicago from April 14 to 17, but apparently, there might be updates coming. The artist has not made any official comments yet. 

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