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  3. Kazakh Composer's Waltz Will Be Performed at UK Festival
Astana, Kazakhstan • 23 August, 2022 | 11:07
1 min read

Kazakh Composer's Waltz Will Be Performed at UK Festival

International Composers Festival will open with Yerkesh Shakeyev's music

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Qazaqstan Monitor: Kazakh Composer's Waltz Will Be Performed at UK Festival

The music of famous Kazakh composer Yerkesh Shakeyev has been included in the program of the International Composers Festival in Great Britain, Tengrinews reports.

The setlist for the international festival was carefully selected from hundreds of works from all over the world. One of Shakeyev's works, Zingarella, will be performed at the official opening. In addition, the program of concerts includes one more composition: the waltz “My Princess”.

The International Composers Festival is a three-day celebration of new and exciting original music, featuring works by more than 40 prominent contemporary composers. It will take place May 20-22 in the United Kingdom. Their music will be performed by renowned musicians and orchestras.

The composer himself went on his page to comment on his music being chosen for the festival.

"The organizers of the festival heard my music from my friend, the British pianist Oliver Poole, who performed my works in Tsinandali and here in Almaty. This is an amazing and important event in my creative career, as it happened without my direct participation, but simply because this music was appreciated and loved by real professionals, and for me, it is a clear sign from above that, despite all the difficulties of the chosen path, everything is going right. Thanks to Oliver, to all the organizers of the festival for their warm attitude, and personally to its creator, composer Polo Piatti."

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