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  3. Quiz: Top Pop Culture Moments in Kazakhstan in 2023
Astana, Kazakhstan • 30 December, 2023 | 14:33
less than 1 min read

Quiz: Top Pop Culture Moments in Kazakhstan in 2023

Test your knowledge of Kazakhstan's viral moments in 2023

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Collage by QazMonitor
Collage by QazMonitor

Kazakhstan had its fair share of memorable moments this year, and QazMonitor has meticulously curated the most remarkable among them to test your knowledge. Get ready to explore the standout Kazakh pop culture moments of 2023 with a quiz that delves into the highlights, from a Kazakh actor's Emmy nomination to a surprise Harry Potter star appearance in Astana and a movie that went viral thanks to TikTok. Challenge yourself with trivia spanning the fields of film, music, sports, and more.

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