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  3. Guess how many couples will marry on 22.02.22
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Astana, Kazakhstan • 14 March, 2022 | 14:53
1 min read

Guess how many couples will marry on 22.02.22

Nur-Sultan and Almaty release their forecasted numbers

The mirror date 22.02.2022 is not just a beautiful number. It is also a palindrome - it reads equally from left to right and right to left. In addition, this date has six twos, and six, according to numerologists, is the number of Venus, the goddess of love. Reports from TengriMIX state how many people in Almaty and Nur-Sultan will make their vows today.

According to the Almaty Department of Justice, there will be a full house at eight offices of Almaty's RACs and 266 couples will be registered. That's the number of applications for marriage registration submitted by newlyweds. It is 2.5 times more than on ordinary days, when the number of marriage registrations ranges from 20 to 100.

"By good omen, it is good if the date contains the maximum number of twos that symbolize a couple. There are several such dates in each year. For example, this year it is 02.02.2022, 12.02.2022. But today's date - 22.02.2022 - is especially attractive to newlyweds.Newlyweds believe in digital magic and often choose a date that is hard to forget. Perhaps they believe that a union concluded on such a day will be harmonious and happy," 

The Almaty Department of Justice.

According to the Nur-Sultan Department of Justice, 242 applications have been submitted as of today. As of 11:00 a.m., 91 couples had already registered their marriages.

Meanwhile, 82 couples registered in Nur-Sultan yesterday (February 21) and 50 couples registered on Friday (February 18).

Experts say that February 22, 2022 is the last mirror date of the decade. Many people believe that this day is magical and should be treated with special attention.

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