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  3. Shymbulak Sets Guinness World Record with Highest Night Skiing Slope
Astana, Kazakhstan • 14 April, 2023 | 23:27
1 min read

Shymbulak Sets Guinness World Record with Highest Night Skiing Slope

The achievement was recorded at 3,200 meters above sea level

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Shymbulak's press service
Shymbulak's press service

Shymbulak ski resort set the Guinness World Record as the highest night skiing slope in the world, QazMonitor reports.

On March 26, the achievement was recorded at the highest point of Shymbulak, Talgar Pass at an altitude of 3,200 meters above sea level.

Seyda Subasi Gemici, an adjudicator of Guinness World Records, said in her speech that she was happy to be at Shymbulak together with the guests of the resort and presented a certificate confirming the world record to Rinat Abdrakhmanov, the general director of the ski resort.


I am pleased to announce that the Shymbulak Mountain Resort officially receives the Guinness World Record as the highest night ski piste in the world. This is a new record in the world.

Seyda Subasi Gemici, adjudicator of GWR

The event ended with a ribbon-cutting ceremony and a mass descent from the highest night ski slope.

The night skiing route was launched in November 2021. Since then, it has received hundreds of thousands of visitors.

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