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  3. American Fulbrighter Learns Kazakh With Q-Pop
Astana, Kazakhstan • 01 February, 2023 | 14:28
1 min read

American Fulbrighter Learns Kazakh With Q-Pop

Evan Allen knows the words to most of Ninety One’s songs

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Instargram/evan.r.allen; Ninety One
Instargram/evan.r.allen; Ninety One

Evan Allen says he learned the Kazakh language after becoming a fan of the Q-pop band Ninety One, QazMonitor reports.

The Fulbrighter, who lives in Taraz and teaches English at a university, wanted to learn Kazakh through study materials only to discover that most of the options required him to know Russian.

“I was happy when I found the band. I started learning the language from their songs, repeating words and intonation after them,” Evan explained.

He has been living in Kazakhstan since September but says he already knows the lyrics to most of the songs. The fan even attended one of Ninety One's solo concerts in Astana last month.

“I was very happy to be there. I believe that one day I will meet them and thank them in person," he said.

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