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  3. Kazakh Film ‘Mukagali’ Wins 5 Awards at Scottish Film Festival
Astana, Kazakhstan • 19 December, 2022 | 10:10
1 min read

Kazakh Film ‘Mukagali’ Wins 5 Awards at Scottish Film Festival

The film won 10 international awards in one year

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Bolat Kalymbetov’s film about the life of Mukagali Makatayev has won five prizes at the St. Andrews Film Festival (SAFF) in Scotland, QazMonitor reports.

“Mukagali” earned “Best Screenplay”, “Best Film Director”, “Best Cameraman”, “Best Actor”, and the Grand Prix at the international festival.

“Mukagali” won 10 international awards in one year. I want to thank all connoisseurs of Kazakh cinema. Our goal is for the film dedicated to the great Kazakh poet to inspire young people!

Bolat Kalymbetov, film director

The film was dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the famous Kazakh poet Mukagali Makatayev and sheds light on the last years of his life.

It was released in Kazakhstan on October 21, 2021. The world premiere took place at the 25th Tallinn Film Festival, where it was awarded the prize of the ecumenical jury.

Other awards include a special jury prize at the Kazan Film Festival and a special jury diploma for the art director Yermek Utegenov at the international film festival in Gatchina, Russia.

In October, the film won the Grand Prix at the META Film Fest in Dubai.

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