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  3. Horror Game by 3D Artist from Almaty Released on Steam
Astana, Kazakhstan • 03 November, 2022 | 13:46
1 min read

Horror Game by 3D Artist from Almaty Released on Steam

The survival game received positive reviews on the platform

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Eternal Evil/Tengri Lifestyle
Eternal Evil/Tengri Lifestyle

The horror game Eternal Evil, created by a 3D artist from Almaty, became available on the popular video game distribution service Steam, QazMonitor reports citing Tengri Lifestyle.

The developer of the game, Vladimir, calls Eternal Evil "an old-school survival horror". He told DTF that he made the game on his own and had to quit his previous job.

"I loved games since childhood. I read Igromania [Russian videogame website]. There was a section on gameplay where I learned about programs for 3D modeling. I started making mods and working in this profession; but at some point, I realized that I wanted to make my own games," Vladimir said.

The plot of Eternal Evil involves a small town invaded by bloodthirsty ghouls. The protagonist must find out where the monsters came from and destroy them.

Vladimir said he plans to keep working on Eternal Evil, releasing patches and fixing bugs that players find.

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