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  3. 'Kazakh Oil Export Remains Uninterrupted': Energy Ministry Responds to CPC Court Ruling
Astana, Kazakhstan • 12 July, 2022 | 08:39
1 min read

'Kazakh Oil Export Remains Uninterrupted': Energy Ministry Responds to CPC Court Ruling

The Kazakh government addressed the suspension of activities at Novorossiysk

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Kazakhstan’s ministry of energy stated that the export of Kazakh oil via the pipeline system of CPC-R JSC remains uninterrupted, Qazmonitor reports with a reference to Tengrinews.

Earlier today, Qazmonitor wrote about a Russian court ruling on the suspension of activities at CPC’s Novorossiysk marine terminal that transports 80% of Kazakh oil to the Black Sea. CPC announced it has submitted an appeal to the Primorskiy District Court of Novorossiysk. 

The court listed insufficient documentation on the matter of safe handling of oil spills as the reason for the order. 

The Kazakh Ministry of Energy responded that the consortium is already working with the relevant government agencies and departments of Russia to eliminate documentary violations specified in the prescription of Rostransnadzor.

Last month, the shipment of oil was restricted at Novorossiysk terminal due to ordnance disposal

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