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  3. Startup Opportunities for Kazakh Entrepreneurs This Fall
Astana, Kazakhstan • 04 November, 2022 | 13:34
4 min read

Startup Opportunities for Kazakh Entrepreneurs This Fall

Five accelerator programs with deadlines at the end of August-October

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QazMonitor put together a list of different startup opportunities available in and outside of Kazakhstan this fall. Each program offers budding enterprises a unique platform to learn, grow and attract financial investment

NURIS Innovation Cluster

The NURIS Innovation Cluster at Nazarbayev University offers programs that provide support for startup teams in Kazakhstan. This fall, it is launching its large-scale online program, Business Incubator that helps startups in their early development stage.

In the span of 12 weeks, applicants will learn the basics of business, create a working prototype of a future product and prepare proposals for first clients and potential investors. Each team will be connected to an expert who will help with the project guidelines.

The program will cover expenses for the necessary materials and services required for the prototype production. Applicants will also have access to NU’s resources base.

Business Incubator supports enterprises in the following fields: Information and Communication Technology, Internet of Things, Big Data, Cyber Security, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual or Augmented Reality, Digital Healthcare, Agrotech, and Civil Construction Technologies.

The deadline is August 29.

Investors interested in renewable energy sources in Kazakhstan might also want to look up online webinars that will be hosted by KAZAKH INVEST on September 7 on 4:00 p.m. and on October 12, also on 4:00 p.m. The event will explain the system of organizing and conducting the auction for renewable energy projects with regard to the changes in existing regulations

Y Combinator
Y Combinator

Y Combinator Accelerator

Y Combinator Accelerator is an elite accelerator that has helped raise business giants, like Airbnb, Dropbox, Quora, Reddit and Twitch.

The accelerator takes applicants for a three-month program from January through March with the aim of refining the startup’s product to attract more users and to have more options for raising money. On the Demo Day, applicants will present their projects to a panel of select investors and the press.

YC invests a total sum of $500,000 in every company on standard terms. The investment is made on 2 separate safes. The first investment is made on a post-money safe in return for 7% of the applicants' company and equals $125,000. The sum of $375,000 is invested in an uncapped safe with a Most Favored Nation provision.

The application period runs until September 12. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, most of the interviews will be held online.

Alchemist Accelerator
Alchemist Accelerator

The Alchemist Accelerator

The Alchemist Accelerator is a venture-backed initiative that seeks ways to monetize growing startup projects.

The company provides applicants with a seed investment and a plan to attract customers, as well as fundraising through a community. The six-month-long program focuses on the areas of Industrial Internet of Things, Fintech and Cybersecurity, Climate Tech, Digital Health, and Diversity.

Participants will receive an opportunity to engage firsthand with large enterprises and work at the local hubs in San Francisco and Munich. The project typically offers funding of $25,000 to 25 teams per class. The average ask is 5% of equity.

The application deadline is September 2.



If you plan on entering the field of hard tech startups, you may want to look into the HAX program, which specializes in providing the electronics, mechanisms, materials, manufacturing, and supply chains to its startups, as well as an in-house team of engineers. designers and entrepreneurs that will collaborate with applicants.

It is a six-month program is divided into three phases. The first is the rapid product development phase which lasts up to 120 days. The second is growth and fundraising (120-180), and the last is onward support of the startup.

HAX’s venture fund SOSV invests $250,000 per project.

The application deadline is August 31.


MassChallenge HealthTech

MassChallenge HealthTech is a hub for entrepreneurs who seek to establish digital healthcare startups. The main focus of this year is to reduce the inequities in healthcare by creating solutions based on patient input (vs. “one-size-fits-all” solutions). Besides that, the applicants are encouraged to tackle the social determinants of health.

The four-month program will aid young enterprises in the management process by setting expert-led goals and milestones. Every startup at MS’s Accelerator program receives at least one partnership before the start of the program itself through a matchmaking process, with the average rate being over three partnerships for each startup.

The program offers zero equity for startup teams, but provides no additional financial incentive aside from the partnerships.

The application deadline is in October 2022.

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