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  3. How Much Do Product Managers in Kazakhstan Earn in 2022?
Astana, Kazakhstan • 04 November, 2022 | 13:34
2 min read

How Much Do Product Managers in Kazakhstan Earn in 2022?

Kolesa Group conducted a study of the domestic market of managers

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Kazakh IT-company, Kolesa Group, has released a study on the product manager market in Kazakhstan, QazMonitor reports.

463 specialists participated in a survey where they answered the question on how the Kazakh product-management field is developing. Respondents were invited to take the survey on social media pages and in professional or corporate chats.

As a quick summary of a work field, a product manager is responsible for the product marketing strategy, specifying its functional requirements, and managing feature releases. Product managers traditionally operate in the marketing organizations of technology companies but have recently become staples of engineering and even product-specific teams.

A manager is an integral part of a modern workplace. Every company wants a specialist who is right for them. While some are looking for a corporate manager, others need a person for a startup – someone else could be looking for a proprietor in a grocery company. … From this study, you’ll find out what a manager’s job entails, what experience they have, who they work with, what their area of expertise is, how they want to grow as professionals, and how much they earn.

Alexander Nagorny, Product Director (CPO) of Kolesa Group

The study shows managers’ earnings by area, specialty, grade and work experience. Experts from large businesses, such as 1fit, EPAM Kazakhstan, Beeline Kazakhstan and Kolesa Group, verified the survey results and commented on the conclusions.

QazMonitor presents a brief overview of the research. To read the full report, click here.

Average and median salary levels by gender.

In 2022, the survey took into account new communities from different cities of Kazakhstan to gather a broad sample of respondents.

The participants also shared their main insight from the previous year. Some advised to ‘worry less and take reasonable deadlines for tasks’, which is also goes along with the idea of ‘appreciating yourself as a professional and not being afraid of demanding appropriate working conditions’. Some insights encouraged the employees to ‘not be shy and just ask’, because it solves most workplace issues and speeds up the work flow.

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