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Astana, Kazakhstan • 04 November, 2022 | 13:32
1 min read

First Electric Car Conversion Company Opens in Shymkent

The inventors want the rights to the idea to remain in Kazakhstan

Instagram: @berenmotors
Instagram: @berenmotors

The first electric car assembly center has opened in Shymkent, QazMonitor reports citing Khabar24. According to the business owners of Beren Motors, mechanical engineers Nursultan Seisembayev and Yerlan Rakhmatullayev, the company's unique selling point is that it produces its own parts instead of relying on imports.

The duo so far have developed their own controller and equipment for charging electric motors.

"Soon, we will patent everything and put it into mass production. This is the main goal that we strive for," Nursultan Seisenbay told Khabar 24 in an interview.

Motorists have already appreciated the benefits of the invention - an electric motor with enough power for 300 kilometers. The project costs about $500,000 to implement, so now Nurlan and Yerlan are focused on promoting their technology in the domestic auto industry.

At the present time, the workshop for the assembly of electric cars employs almost 40 people, including six mechanical engineers.

Inventors regularly receive offers from foreign companies, while domestic car dealerships invite them for collaborations. The obstacle the entrepreneurs currently face is the legal registration procedure of an electric car, which presents a hurdle they must overcome before obtaining financing for mass production.

Nursultan Seisenbay says: "Our dream is to establish the mass production of electric cars in Kazakhstan. We want all the rights to the invention, licenses and so on to remain in our country. We will set such terms for investors." 

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