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  3. Kazakn Company to Launch Industrial Battery Production in Zhetysu Region
Astana, Kazakhstan • 22 April, 2024 | 12:37
1 min read

Kazakn Company to Launch Industrial Battery Production in Zhetysu Region

The project has attracted $7.1 million in investments

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Source: Zhenis Iskabay for the press service of the Zhetysu region
Source: Zhenis Iskabay for the press service of the Zhetysu region

Kazakh battery manufacturer, ASMA Industrial LLP, plans to construct an industrial battery production plant in the Zhetysu region this summer, aiming for a September launch, QazMonitor reports citing the region’s press service.

Plant: According to representatives of ASMA Industrial, the production capacity of the new plant will be 210,000 units of batteries per year.

  • The batteries produced at the plant will be used to power solar and wind power plants, diesel locomotives, and electrical loading equipment. These industrial batteries are crucial for enterprises and organizations requiring a continuous and reliable electricity supply, serving as backup power sources.

  • The new plant will use South Korean equipment to produce batteries.

  • The project has attracted ₸3.2 billion (as of April 22, 2024, $7.1 million) in investments.  

The big picture: The head of the region, Beibit Isabayev, noted the potential for the further development of green energy in Zhetysu. The authorities plan the construction of the 1GW wind farm in the Alakol district. Overall, there are 15 renewable energy facilities operating in the region with an installed capacity of 210.5 MW.

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