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  3. Kazakhstan’s Billionaires in Forbes World Ranking
Astana, Kazakhstan • 06 April, 2022 | 13:10
1 min read

Kazakhstan’s Billionaires in Forbes World Ranking

The Forbes list notes changes in the fortune of Kazakhstan's wealthiest

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Qazaqstan Monitor: Kazakhstan’s Billionaires in Forbes World Ranking

Forbes published a new list of the richest people in the world. In the years between the pandemic and the recent war, the fortunes of the household names have changed dramatically.

The wealthy seven

Vladimir Kim rounded up his wealth to $5 billion from last year's $4.6 billion and took 552nd place in the world ranking, remaining first among Kazakhstanis.

Timur Kulibayev and Dinara Kulibayeva reclaimed second place with an addition of $1 billion each. Now, according to U.S. analysts, each is worth $3.8 billion ($2.8 billion in 2021). They are at No. 778 on the overall chart.

Timur Turlov (a resident of Kazakhstan with a Russian citizenship) climbed to third place with $2.4 billion. His name is 1292nd on the list. Turlov is listed as the CEO and founder of Freedom Holding, a brokerage company based in Kazakhstan.

Bulat Utemuratov, on the contrary, lost $600 million and dropped down to 1096th place. According to Forbes, the owner of mines, banks and hotels now has $2.8 billion, not $3.4 billion.

Next comes Vyacheslav Kim with $2 billion of last year's $3.3 billion, which makes him the 1513th richest. The fintech billionaire set an anti-record, losing $1.3 billion.

Mikhail Lomtadze (Georgian citizen and resident of Kazakhstan) is the last of the Kazakhstani seven with $1.9 billion, placing him at No. 1579.
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