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  3. Astana Hub Launches Dedicated AI Platform
Astana, Kazakhstan • 01 February, 2024 | 16:30
1 min read

Astana Hub Launches Dedicated AI Platform

The Hub’s startup ecosystem has over 200 participants actively utilizing artificial intelligence technologies

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The Astana Hub corporate fund has launched a digital platform dedicated to artificial intelligence (AI), QazMonitor reports citing the tech park's press service.

The platform aims to disseminate information about Kazakhstan's AI initiatives, provide access to crucial resources and databases, and promote the integration of AI in the development of groundbreaking products and services. Additionally, the platform will function as a training and support hub for individuals seeking to incorporate AI into their projects.

The fund emphasized its plan to establish an AI-Center within the technopark, dedicated to supporting the development and scaling of AI-based projects. The project's objectives include training a new generation of software engineers, facilitating the creation of innovative projects, and offering resources and support to startups focused on AI projects.

In collaboration with global leaders such as Presight.AI, Microsoft, and NVIDIA, Astana Hub organizes various events and training seminars. Notably, in 2023, the AI Battle competition was conducted to elevate startups' ideas and assist in scaling their business within the AI domain. Astana Hub consistently hosts workshops by Microsoft and NVIDIA. Furthermore, startups in Kazakhstan have opportunities to participate in NVIDIA Inception and Microsoft for Startups programs, providing financial support, access to resources, experts, and technology partners.

Astana Hub is also exploring special terms for cloud computing resources based on graphics processing units (GPUs) for startups. An analysis of market needs for GPUs is underway to determine the necessary resources to meet demands. Currently, the platform is hosting a survey to determine computational power needs for training neural networks and GPU-based models.

The Hub’s AI-based startup ecosystem is rapidly expanding, with over 200 participants actively utilizing AI technologies, including notable entities like Cerebra, Biometric, ZebraEye, BeineAI, Flowsell, Paperstack PipeData, and SpeechLab.

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