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  3. ‘Green Corridor’: How Will Kazakhstan Support Investment Projects?
Astana, Kazakhstan • 12 December, 2023 | 17:11
1 min read

‘Green Corridor’: How Will Kazakhstan Support Investment Projects?

New measures will streamline obtaining permits for investors — President

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At the Altyn Sapa and Paryz awards ceremony, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev highlighted a noteworthy achievement, stating that the number of registered criminal cases in the sphere of entrepreneurship has halved, dropping from 837 to 402. The press service of Akorda reported that the number of criminal proceedings terminated on rehabilitative grounds has decreased nearly fivefold, from 416 to 92.

Addressing the audience, President Tokayev emphasized his commitment to protecting domestic businesses from unjustified inspections and illegal criminal prosecution. He drew the attention given to service support for investment projects by the prosecutor's office, announcing the introduction of a system supporting investment projects under the "green corridor" principle. This initiative aims to streamline the process for investors to obtain authorization documents, simplify land plot issuance, and facilitate communication connections.


"It is extremely important, without delaying, to create a digital platform through which it will be possible to monitor the process of realization of investment projects in real-time."

 said the President

He also announced the implementation of a 'prosecutor's filter' on all decisions and restrictive measures by state bodies concerning investors. This measure is designed to shield investors from unjustified fines and taxes, as well as from unfair and protracted litigation.

President Tokayev concluded by underlining the government's dedication to establishing fair and transparent rules for business. He also highlighted the creation of an artificial intelligence system in the country as an extremely important topic. Recognizing the pivotal role this initiative plays in Kazakhstan's future and its standing in the international community, he expressed personal supervision of this direction and commitment to engaging with foreign and domestic experts while closely monitoring task implementation.

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