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  3. Turkiye’s Holding to Invest $650M in Shymkent's Greenhouse Complex
Astana, Kazakhstan • 20 November, 2023 | 09:29
1 min read

Turkiye’s Holding to Invest $650M in Shymkent's Greenhouse Complex

The project is expected to create five thousand new jobs

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Turkish Alarko Holding plans to build a new-format greenhouse complex in Shymkent, with the project's cost amounting to $650 million, according to the Shymkent Akimat (city administration) press service.

The project is expected to gradually create five thousand new jobs. The complex, covering an area of 500 hectares, was formalized through a memorandum signed during the VI Kazakhstan Round Table on Global Investments in Astana on November 17, 2023.

In addition, Shymkent Akimat and the Turkish company "ISIKLAR PACKAGING Ltd" signed a memorandum for the construction of a plant to produce craft paper rolls in Shymkent, with a project cost of $12 million.

According to the city’s administration, both projects are poised to contribute significantly to sustainable regional growth, attract investments, foster the development of the city's economy, and strengthen international cooperation.

Alarko Holding is one of the largest business conglomerates in Turkiye, operating in a variety of sectors, including construction, electricity generation and distribution, tourism, and real estate.

Işıklar Packaging started Kraft sack production in Bartın in 1969 and has managed to export her products to more than 100 countries and carried Işıklar brand to the world stage as a subsidiary of Işıklar Energy and Construction Holding.

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