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  3. Kazakhstan's Investbanq Project Takes the World Stage at the Fintech Surge Exhibition in Dubai
Astana, Kazakhstan • 27 October, 2023 | 13:08
2 min read

Kazakhstan's Investbanq Project Takes the World Stage at the Fintech Surge Exhibition in Dubai

At the international Fintech Surge exhibition held in Dubai, the Kazakh project, Investbanq, was successfully introduced to the global community

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Olzhas Zhiyenkul (left), Talgat Kantayev (right), photo credit: Investbanq
Olzhas Zhiyenkul (left), Talgat Kantayev (right), photo credit: Investbanq

Investbanq is a digital investment platform utilizing Artificial Intelligence technology. The platform offers integrated access to all asset classes, including stocks, bonds, private funds, infrastructure, and venture investments, and in the future, to digital assets as well. In collaboration with financial leaders such as Schroders, Clearstream, MFEX, IBKR, and UBS, Investbanq sets new standards in the investment sector, offering intuitive tools accessible to both seasoned and novice investors.

"When we began working on Investbanq, our goal was to create a platform that would not only simplify the investment process but also make it transparent, accessible, and adapted to a rapidly changing world. Today, we can confidently say that we have achieved this goal," stated Investbanq's CEO, Olzhas Zhiyenkul, during his speech.

Although the company's main office is located in Singapore, it was the Kazakh team that stood at the origins of this project. They believe that their platform will serve as a bridge between the East and West in the investment realm.

At the Fintech Surge 2023 exhibition in Dubai, the Investbanq team showcased the key features and capabilities of their product, receiving high praise from international experts and investors.

 Participating in Fintech Surge has been an exhilarating journey for our startup. It's more than just an event; it's a convergence of groundbreaking ideas, visionary minds, and transformative technologies that are shaping the future of the financial industry. Fintech Surge doesn't just connect us with investors and partners; it immerses us in a dynamic ecosystem where collaboration is key, and innovation is the currency of choice. Our experience at Fintech Surge has not only expanded our network but has also accelerated our growth trajectory, propelling us toward redefining the landscape of fintech. We're not just attendees; we're active participants in the fintech revolution.

Olzhas Zhiyenkul, Founder and CEO of Investbanq

The team recently unveiled the beta version of the platform at the International Digital Bridge 2023 forum in Astana. Registration on the platform will be limited by the number of users, due to product testing. You can sign up for the waitlist via the provided link. For all inquiries, please email:

"Participating in an event as large-scale as Fintech Surge allows us not only to present our product to the global community but also to exchange experiences with colleagues and learn about the latest trends and innovations in the fintech world," added Investbanq's co-founder, Talgat Kantayev.

Talgat Kantayev, Co-founder of Investbanq 

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