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  3. Where Does National Bank of Kazakhstan Invest Pension Savings?
Astana, Kazakhstan • 23 August, 2023 | 16:58
1 min read

Where Does National Bank of Kazakhstan Invest Pension Savings?

The Bank has published a document on structure of its investment portfolio

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Ruslan Pryanikov
Ruslan Pryanikov

The National Bank has invested 595.5 billion tenge of Kazakhstani citizens' pension savings in government securities of 18 countries, reported.

A document titled "Structure of Investment Portfolio on Pension Assets Formed at the Expense of Mandatory Pension Contributions, Mandatory Professional Pension Contributions, and Voluntary Pension Contributions" has been published on the website of the Unified Accumulative Pension Fund.

The majority of the investment transactions are associated with the acquisition of government securities totaling 595.5 billion tenge.

These countries include:

USA: 220.8 billion tenge

Indonesia: 33.3 billion tenge

Panama: 21.3 billion tenge

Romania: 8.9 billion tenge

Philippines: 4.9 billion tenge

Mexico: 4.4 billion tenge

Poland: 1.9 billion tenge

Additionally, the list of purchased government securities includes Qatar, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Colombia, Peru, Morocco, Hungary, Israel, Russia, Kuwait, and the UAE.

The current value of the investment portfolio of pension assets managed by the National Bank is reported to be 16.3 trillion tenge.

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