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  3. Bank CenterCredit Joins the UN Global Compact
Astana, Kazakhstan • 03 August, 2023 | 16:21
2 min read

Bank CenterCredit Joins the UN Global Compact

Participants in the initiative include industry-specific companies in sectors such as healthcare, construction, insurance, financial services and others

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Bank CenterCredit has joined the United Nations Global Compact — the world's largest voluntary initiative in the field of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development.

The central ten principles of the UN Global Compact involve actively helping companies to conduct business responsibly by implementing strategies and operations in the areas of human rights, labor relations, environmental protection, and anti-corruption.

Bank CenterCredit pays special attention to the ESG area, making significant progress in sustainable development practices. The bank focuses on improving the environment through green finance, promoting gender equality and inclusiveness in business, protecting personal data, and actively engaging in the public life of the country.

Taking into account the approved procedural norms, the entire process of a bank's joining the UN Global Compact takes from one month to six months. The accepting organization has conducted its own independent assessment of BCC’s operations, its financial condition, and market position. Bank CenterCredit also underwent a comprehensive independent assessment of the company - Due Diligence and compliance control. As a result, BCC received approval to join the UN Global Compact in the shortest time possible.

Today, the importance of corporate social responsibility is of great significance all over the world. During the period of the bank's development into one of the most reliable and stable financial institutions in the country, we have managed to implement important and necessary initiatives, including those in corporate governance. Now we aim to develop on a larger scale, following the examples of global practices.

Rustam Tenizov, First Vice President of Bank CenterCredit.

The main advantage of the UN Global Compact is that a company that joins it declares its commitment to sustainable development goals. This enables the bank to join a new type of group of companies that work not only to improve financial performance but also use ESG principles extensively. This initiative allows to increase the company's value and improve its financial results in the long term.

Participants in the UN Global Compact include industry-specific companies in sectors such as healthcare, construction, insurance, financial services, and others.

For 35 years, Bank CenterCredit has been one of the first and largest commercial banks in Kazakhstan with a universal business model focused on providing convenient banking products using modern technologies. The Bank is among the top 3 second-tier banks in the country in terms of assets. The financial institution has a wide branch network and serves legal entities and individuals in more than 160 branches in all regions of Kazakhstan. The shareholders of Bank CenterCredit are Bakhytbek Baiseitov (48.47%) and Vladislav Li (11.16%).

*ARDFM License №1.2.25/195/34 issued on 03.02.2020

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