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Astana, Kazakhstan • 20 July, 2023 | 10:22
1 min read

Kazakhstan and Germany Discuss Deepening Business Ties

Head of the Bavarian delegation Roland Weigert highly regarded the level of interaction between the two countries

Prospects for cooperation between Kazakhstan and Bavaria (Federal Republic of Germany) were discussed during the meeting of First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Roman Sklyar with State Secretary of the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy Roland Weigert, QazMonitor reports citing

During the meeting, the parties discussed the issues of deepening of Kazakhstan-German trade-economic and investment cooperation, the development of a green economy, as well as the realization of joint projects.

Welcoming the representatives of the Bavarian Government, Roman Sklyar noted that Germany is the most important partner of Kazakhstan in the European Union. The First Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan expressed interest in further deepening partnerships in priority areas such as energy, industry, transportation and logistics, etc. The First Deputy Prime Minister expressed Kazakhstan’s interest in further deepening of partnership.

Head of the Bavarian delegation Roland Weigert highly regarded the level of interaction between government agencies and business organizations of the two countries. He noted the effectiveness of the Special Working Group in cooperating with German companies. The delegation's representatives also expressed interest in the participation of German businesses in the development of deposits and cooperation in the energy and transportation sectors of the economy.

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