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  3. Kazakh Medtech Startup Cerebra Wins at Global Startup Awards 2023
Astana, Kazakhstan • 06 April, 2023 | 13:12
1 min read

Kazakh Medtech Startup Cerebra Wins at Global Startup Awards 2023

The award will give the team support from the worldwide GSA alumni network

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On March 28-29, Medtech startup Cerebra won an award as the Best VerTech Startup 2023 at the Global Startup Awards (GSA) in Copenhagen, Denmark, QazMonitor reports.

To reach the finals, the team had to win the regional Euro-Asian Startup Awards competition, where it managed to beat competitors from Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkiye, Armenia, and Ukraine.

Cerebra's project manager, Aigerim Seiduali, attended the event and was impressed with the high level of preparation, as well as the other startups in their category, which she described as ‘very large and innovative’.

“This was my first time walking the red carpet, and I was surprised by the level of the event. One hundred and twenty countries participated in this competition. I'm proud to be working with such a great team and represent our country in an international arena,” shared Seiduali.


Winning the finals will allow Cerebra to contribute its experience and knowledge to the benefit of building a global ecosystem of startups, along with other innovative projects. Doszhan Zhussupov's team will also gain access to the GSA Alumni Network, a prestigious invite-only club that promotes the development of startup ecosystems worldwide.

The Global Startup Awards is the world's largest independent ecosystem startup competition spanning 120 counties across 12 independent regions.

Cerebra is an artificial intelligence for the timely recognition of stroke. The project raises a serious problem, as it is one of the leading causes of death in Kazakhstan. The team's innovative development is designed to help doctors provide the diagnosis as quickly and accurately as possible using modern technology.

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